
Saturday, 24 November 2018


Is it ever too early to start decorating for Christmas? This is the earliest we've ever decorated our home for holidays. But it is definitely my favorite holiday, and a few extra weeks of  enjoying the magic of the season makes me so happy.

Here's a little look at our Christmas decor we've got up so far!

We also put two little pink trees in the girls room, which I absolutely love. I think it adds just a little extra touch for their room.

Hope you enjoyed this little Christmas home tour!

Thursday, 15 November 2018


I love the change that fall brings!

New schedules and amazing physical changes you can see right before your eyes. The leaves falling and changing is pretty amazing and beautiful.

Just sharing a few adventures we've been up this fall.

Hope you're enjoying fall as much as we are!

Monday, 12 November 2018


Disneyland is truly one of my favorite places to bring my children. It's just so magical and I love seeing everything through their eyes. Even though its completely crazy at times, so busy and's truly an amazing place. Each time we go I have the best time and so do our children.

We've gone almost every year for the last few years and I never regret taking them. I know one day they may outgrow it, and I want them to really enjoy it while they still love all magical details.


We usually try to stay somewhere that's walking distance to the parks. There are so many hotels available and they are usually a good deal. We stayed at a hotel that had a free continental breakfast and that was a life saver! We ate a big breakfast, and was able to take some snacks to the parks with us. (Yogurt, apples, bananas, cereal)


Even though the kids are exhausted each night, we still wake the up early each morning to get to the parks right as it opens. They can always rest in the stroller in the day or take little breaks. The parks are generally so much less crowded first thing in the morning that it's worth it in my opinion to make it there early to take advantage of short lines.


This last time we went we opted to pay for the Max Pass. With the max pass you get unlimited photos with the photographers at Disneyland, as well as being able to get your fast passes for busy rides right on your phone. No need to run to the little ticket stations to get them. And you can split the tickets up. That way if there's 5 in you party, you can book 2 fast passes for one ride, and 3 for a different ride. My husband loved this as he didn't have to run to each station to get the passes for our family.


I always pack our bag the night before. I usually pack 2 bags - one to keep in the stroller and one to bring with me when we go on the rides. In the bag I keep in the stroller I always keep an extra sweater/hoodie, entire change of clothes, and ALL the snacks. Nothing better to keep your kid entertained like snacks in a line up.

I usually end up bringing my big camera with us on trips. While I still mostly use my iphone, having my big camera is always nice for more detailed and clear pics. And while it's really heavy, I still love to bring it.

And packing a few little toys in my bag is always really helpful too. Things like silly putty, stretchy toys, small Rubik cubes help pass the time quicker.

Hope this helps if you're planning a Disney trip anytime soon!

I also have two pervious Disneyland blogposts with details for travelling with kids HERE and HERE if you're interested.
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