
Thursday, 30 April 2020


We're 6 months in, and starting solids!

This time around, I've been torn between wanting to hang onto Annie's babyhood (nursing has been so sweet and special!) and exposing to her a whole new world of food. But now that we've started, there's no turning back!

First tastes of food: blended carrots

cutest silicone bowl and spoon glitter and spice

This time around, I'll be sharing our journey with baby purees (which I did with all our other kids) and baby led weaning. I never did that with the older ones, but have heard lots of wonderful things from other parents who tried it with their kids. We're starting with mushy solids for now and hoping to add some solid foods in once she gets the hang of eating.

As for now, she's still getting familiar with eating and definitely prefers her milk. Only a few teeny tine spoonfuls are getting into her tummy. But as the doctor said the other day - she's got lots of food stores in her little rolls and is happy and healthy. We're taking it one day at a time!

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