Saturday, 20 October 2018



My absolute favorite season. I just love the warm colors, cozy knits and all the things that keep you warm.

My sweet friend Karen from Sweet Dreams Photography did a little mini-session for me and it was filled with all the fall things. Pumpkins and leaves make for the prettiest little backdrop. I loved that she was able to capture fall in a tiny picture!

And I'm excited to share that Karen will be offering a FREE fall mini session on October 27 from 1-4pm. Yes, free! All you need to do is bring a non-perishable food item and the first picture is on her. I wish I had figured out my kids Halloween costumes in time, but you can definitely bring yours to the mini session!

If you'd like to book, send an email off to to secure a time.

This is really such an amazing deal, and I've loved seeing Karen for photos for my kids. Plus, it's for a great cause (food bank!) and you'll get the cutest fall or Halloween picture to share.

If you want to see more of her work, visit her Facebook or Instagram!

Wednesday, 17 October 2018


We've moved!

Over the summer we decided in a very short amount of time that we would move. Not far though! Right now we live in a duplex with my parents. There are two units, and we each occupy one unit. We were in the upstairs unit before and it's been the perfect home for our family. But as we've grown, we started to feel like the space was slightly too small for us. Originally I wanted to do a small kitchen reno to open it up so that it was more social and open for watching the kids when I'm in there. But after talking to someone about the logistics, we realized it probably wasn't the best way for us to use our finances.

We were so surprised when my parents came to us and offered to trade their downstairs unit for our upstairs one. The layout is slightly different than ours which allowed for more living space. We ended up giving up some of our bedroom space, but we've gained 2 separate living spaces, which has been so wonderful. 

After we moved (which was no easy task!) and settled in, I was so excited to work with Darren from House Stories Canada for a home shoot. I loved the concept of House Stories - it was such a wonderful idea of capturing the little details of your home that tend to get forgotten. It's amazing how many small little detail bring so many memories to life. And I love that Darren has such a great eye for photographing the personal details that actually make up a home. 

Monday, 1 October 2018


Each year I love getting family photos in the summer. We always do it in the summer because there's mostly guaranteed good weather.

We usually choose a green park for our pictures, but this year my husband requested beachy pics. I happily obliged!


Fall is here!

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