Monday, 13 January 2020

BYE BYE 2019 ... HELLO 2020

Goodbye 2019

What an amazing year we had! Here's a quick recap...

We found out we were pregnant with our sweet rainbow baby! We couldn't have been happier!

Maddie turned 6! We had an ice skating party on the snowiest day of the year. 

Spring break we stuck around home and went to a few local tourist spots. We went to Van Dusen Gardens and the Aquarium. We also did a fun trip to Great Wolf Lodge and the kids had such a fun time there. The girls loved the waterpark and Ben loved the wizard quests. Such a fun place for kids.

Ben turned 8! We had a party at clip n climb for his little friend.

For Easter, we did our anual egg hunting at our local Apple farm. Picking those eggs seem so much more fun out in nature. 

Ellie turned 4! She had her most favorite mermaid party ever, complete with a surprise visit from Ariel. What a sweet birthday memory for our darlin girl.

We said Goodbye to Maddie's amazing Kindy teacher. It was a sad day for us and our school as she was so wonderful. She made Maddie's first year in school SO fun. Maddie also got to share her favorite part of school at the last Chapel of the year. She's so brave and mustered up the courage to share wth the whole school.

Started the summer off with some trips to the berry farms, beach and local playgrounds. 

Took our yearly trip to Calgary to visit the kids cousins. We have the best time there spending time with their Calgary family. Many trips to the park, zoo and heritage park were the highlights. We discovered a reading room where the kids each got to take a book home with them. Ben got a Harry Potter, Ellie got an Ariel book, and Maddie got a shark book. I took home Charlottes Web (which was a favorite for Maddie!)

Took a fun camping trip with our church friends to Washington and it was SO fun! We had 11 little ones (and one on the go) running around and it was a blast. The kids loved having so many ltitle friends to play with. There was a beach and lake a few minutes away, and we roasted marshmallows every night. Camping with friends is so fun!

My sister and her family came to visi for more cousins time. And my cousin from Hong Kong moved here! We love having more family around.

School starts again. Ben started Grade 4 with two of the most amazing teachers ever. Maddie started Grade 1 with the kindest and sweetest teacher. Ellie started her last year of Pre School! 

Ben started a few extra-curricular activities - Jiu Jitsu, Chess club, Running club and Basketball. Ellie continued with Princess Dance and Ballet. She has been improving so much and has such a love for dance and performing. She loves getting into her outfits each week and I love seeing all that joy in her eyes!

Took our last little outing of 5 to the pumpkin patch and corn field. We did it on a pro-d day and had the whole farm to ourselves. So much fun.

Baby Annie arrived! She was induced a week early on a Monday night and came early Tuesday morning. Our biggest baby who just filled out hearts with so much joy. Seeing the kids meet her for the first time was so so special. They loved her so much right from the start.

Two weeks after Annie's birth, we had to rush to the nicu for extreme high levels of biliruben (jaundice). It was so scary seeing how serious the doctors were taking her levels. She was put under the special blue lights immediately and her levels started to slowly drop. We were there for a week and watching her was just so heartbreaking. She was so well taken care of though. Being away from the big kids was the hardest part. There were so many tears! But after a week we were cleared to come home. Best news ever!

Halloween was extra fun this year when we had my cousin and her daughters over. We had a star wars storm trooper, princess and kangaroo.

Hosted our anual Cookie Exchange (don't ask me how I managed to do it with a newborn!) and it was such a success. Love seeing my sweet friends and chatting/snacking/trading cookies. Such a fun time.

This Christmas felt extra special as a family of 6. We had so much family in town and it was filled with so much cousin goodness. Favorite part was our extended family snack exchange!

Our traditional hot pot New Year with our friends. We both have new the party started at 4 (we've never eaten so early before!)  and we were ready to say bye around 8. Obviously, the babies are in charge! 

Hello 2020.

Cant wait to see what we have in store for the upcoming year!

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