Monday, 8 January 2018

BYE BYE 2017!

The end of the year always makes me think back to our adventures of the year. This year was such an amazing year for us! A quick little recap...


Maddie turns 4! We celebrated with a Unicorn Party at home. It was a hit!

Ben started Junior NBA basketball on Fridays. 

We started dance class again! Maddie was happy to be in Performing Princesses, and Ellie liked it too...unless she had do to any dancing without me right by her side.

Ben lost his FIRST tooth!! Came right out during dinner! 

Cousins come for a visit in March - we eat out alot, and play all day long. Such wonderful times.

We celebrated Ben's 7th Birthday with a Space Party! We had pizza, snacks and movies in jammies. Such a fun party! (We watched the Incredibles)

In May we went to Disneyland with my family! Such a fun fun trip with my parents and my sister's family. It rained for a few days, but it didn't stop us from having the best time! Highlights included meeting the Frozen sisters and Sully!

We celebrated Ellie's 2nd birthday with a Bunny Party! She loved the tiny bunny details and had the best time. Boy do we love celebrating this girl!

After school ended for the summer, we drove with my parents to Calgary for 2 weeks with my sister's family. The kids had the best time - park days, Calaway Park, Calgary Stampede, zoo...just to name a few. Seeing the cousins play together everyday was the best part. 

The summer we spent endless hours at the parks, Granville Island, berry picking (we visited SO many berry farms!), lemonade stands, beaching, Cultus Lake Waterslides, and Playland. Weeks and weeks of fun together was the best. The kids really bonded so well this summer and were closer than ever.

At the end of the summer we went on our first ever camping trip. I was so unsure, but ended loving every minute of it. One of my favorite memories!

Ben started Grade 2 with Miss Shooten!

Maddie started 4 yr old Preschool with Jenny and Mekdes. 

Ben started swimming with the Canadian Dolphins. He's been loving it so much - and it is hard work. They swim 2x's a week for an hour. He's improved so much as a swimmer!

Fall hit and we had the best season ever. Hour of apple picking, pumpkin patching and soaking those gorgeous fall leaves. 

Dance started again and Ellie blossomed! No more carrying her all class - she did it ALL by herself. And loved every minute of it.

Halloween! Still one of their favorite holidays. I mean, dress and candy says it all! Ben went as a Storm Trooper again this year, Maddie a grey wolf and Ellie a pink flamingo. 

Baking! The girls started taking a much bigger interest in helping me bake in the kitchen. They love to measure and mix. We've made many many cookies and banana breads/muffins. 

Celebrated Thanksgiving with our family.
Had our annual Friends Thanksgiving.

Ben's Christmas Concert was so great! Last year we missed it so we were extra thankful this year. 

Christmas this year was amazing. We started decorating alot earlier and it felt like the season got started early, which I love. It was our first year with a white tree! (I couldn't have loved it any more!) And the kids each got a mini tree in their rooms.  We baked sooo many cookies and loved doing it together so much. We took the older kids to The Lion Witch and the Wardrobe and they loved it!

Threw my first ever Cookie Party and had the best time baking with the girls and inviting friends over. Cant wait to make it an annual thing!

My sister's family spent the holidays with us this year. Cousins reunited felt so sweet. 

My mom, sister and I took Maddie to her first ever tea experience at the Secret Garden. She wore her fancy tulle pink dress, fancy shoes and felt so grown up. She loved everything about tea - fancy cups, yummy treats and being all lady like. We cant wait to do it again. 

Celebrated Josh and my 9th Wedding Anniversary! Dinner at Fable and a movie night out. Bliss!

Yearly hotpot with ourclose friends for New Years Eve. The kids watched Toy Story for movie night and we stayed up just after midnight.

Happy Happy New Years friends!  xoxo

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