Wednesday, 17 October 2018


We've moved!

Over the summer we decided in a very short amount of time that we would move. Not far though! Right now we live in a duplex with my parents. There are two units, and we each occupy one unit. We were in the upstairs unit before and it's been the perfect home for our family. But as we've grown, we started to feel like the space was slightly too small for us. Originally I wanted to do a small kitchen reno to open it up so that it was more social and open for watching the kids when I'm in there. But after talking to someone about the logistics, we realized it probably wasn't the best way for us to use our finances.

We were so surprised when my parents came to us and offered to trade their downstairs unit for our upstairs one. The layout is slightly different than ours which allowed for more living space. We ended up giving up some of our bedroom space, but we've gained 2 separate living spaces, which has been so wonderful. 

After we moved (which was no easy task!) and settled in, I was so excited to work with Darren from House Stories Canada for a home shoot. I loved the concept of House Stories - it was such a wonderful idea of capturing the little details of your home that tend to get forgotten. It's amazing how many small little detail bring so many memories to life. And I love that Darren has such a great eye for photographing the personal details that actually make up a home. 

I can assure you that our home doesn't always look like this. We have messes of blocks, kids toys, books and blankets ALL over the place. And our kitchen is definitely a lived in kitchen. But Darren did such a wonderful job capturing the essence of our home - the little details of play within our walls.

We spend most of our time here in our main floor living room. This is where we get to cuddle for family movie nights. The girls play all their little toys here and Ben is often reading and playing legos or building blocks here as well. I love the little pictures of the dollhouses, calico critters and blankies. This season of our life - they are ALL over the house. But I know this won't always be the case, and I love having a memory of these busy busy days.

I loved the small details of images Darren captured of our Master bedroom as well.

The basement of our home is where the kids rooms are. Ben has is own room, and the girls still share a small bedroom. That's also where we have our second living space.

I love that we were able to freeze the time of getting to know our new home with a house stories session. And if you're moving or about to change parts of your home, this is such a special way to document all the little things in your home.

If any of you are interested in a home session, Darren was generous enough to send me a code to share with you! Feel free to use petite20 for a little discount over at House Stories!

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