Thursday, 26 March 2020


Our homeschooling journey is going to get started pretty soon! My girls are SO excited they get to learn from home. And my son made fun of me having to teach him Gr 4 math. I'm a litle scared myself. Haha!

But before that all begins, I came up with a simple and fun math activity for my girls. I added some Easter fun, but you can truly customize it for any age and for many differnet activities. I love that they are still ages where they love to learn and are so curious!

Here's what you need:

1. Empty Egg Carton
2. Reuseable easter eggs
3. Strips of paper

And to get started, this is all the prep you need. 

1. Take your strips of paper and write out your activity you want to work on. Mine was addition. For Maddie (Gr 1) I did addition of numbers up to 20. For Ellie (pre-k) I did addition of numbers up to 10 so she could count on her fingers. 
2. Add the papers into each egg.
3. Place all the eggs in the carton.
4. I added a special egg with a surprise in it!

You can work on so many things for this activity. A few ideas would be math (addition, subtraction, multiplication), phonics/phograms, sight words, syllables, counting (you could add beans or pasta for counting), sorting colours, etc. And I added a surprise for encourage them to have fun. I did some gummy bears, but you could do non treat ideas like tattoos, stickers, pencils, erasers, etc.

The girls truly loved this activity, and asked me to do the same the next day as well.

Hope you have fun with this activity! 

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