Monday, 23 April 2018


A month or two back, I had the opportunity to be in a swimsuit shoot with an amazing local company Nettles Tale. Never ever would I have imagined being in a swim shoot, but it was such a fun and amazing time.

I stumbled across this amazing company a few years ago when I was looking for swimsuits that fit me post-baby. Pregnancy definitely changed my body and I was looking for something that I felt comfortable in and was flattering. I love SO many things about this company - locally and thoughtfully made, celebrating women of all ages and sizes. Swimsuits for the everyday woman. 

The day of the shoot was literally freezing. It was snowing first thing in the morning when the kids woke up. I texted in the morning asking if we were still shooting....yes. Yes, we are. Haha! 

Despite the snow, cold and wind - it was so fun to meet the other women there (all local women - no real swimsuit models!). I loved that we were shooting at a local beach and it really looked like a typical west coast winter. How fitting! We set up camp in the dressing rooms, which was actually heated. And as we prepared to shoot we were outside for about 10-15 min at a time in small groups. It felt like we were literally cheering each other on - lifting each other up as got up the courage to take our jackets off in the cold. 

I loved meeting Julia, the founder. She was so full of light and fun. It was so evident of her love for her suits and her business as she was digging around in boxes looking for sizes and tying up the models as we got changed. And Kaycee was so sweet - she came outside for all our shoots talking with us and supporting us. 

I love supporting this local company and had such an empowering time on the beach shooting with Meghan and the other lovely ladies. The sweetest part of the day was meeting up with my family for dinner after the shoot. Maddie told me she was SO proud of me for being a model and covered me with kisses. I love that my girls get to see that women everywhere are beautiful and celebrated. 

All photography by the loveliest Meghan Bustard for Nettles Tale

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