Friday, 16 October 2020


I cannot believe my baby is one years old. How did this year fly by so quickly? Our sweet girl is getting so big and each day is so fun with her. 

Annie was actually not feeling well for her actual birthday. She had a slight fever and had been fussy all day long. We decided to wait until she was feeling better to celebrate. And I'm so excited to share her little family birthday we had for her. I went with a fall inspired floral fairy garden theme which I thought was so sweet for a baby's birthday.

Some party details!
I got the cutest party supplies from a Canadian shop Party Et Cie. I got big paper flowers that I stuck to our mirror with 3m hooks. The girls and I painted wooden dolhouses from the dollar store in pastel colours. I added a few garlands I had already in my house. Add in some fall pumpkins to give it a more fall feel. I set the table up with floral table settings, sugar cookies, pancakes on cake stands, and cheerios in the cutest little snack cups. I used mini cake stands to make the cookies stand out, and of course, confetti down the middle of the table. 

We included her favorite things like pancakes, fresh fruits and cheerios. And even though I'm sure she didnt know it was her birthday, she loved it. I ordered her the cutest little sugar cookies (my favorite for parties!) and she got to try her first little treat. And she loved it!

Sweet girl, we're so happy to be celerating you! You are such a joy and we cant wait to see what this year brings you!

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