Wednesday, 14 October 2020


Happy Thanksgiving!

This year looked SO different from the other years. We didnt get to see my husband's side of the family, which we always do. It was so sad missing this holiday with them. 

But this was also the first year two of my cousins are living in the same city as we are and we got to see them for a small gathering. We haven't been seeing too many people, and having them over felt SO nice again. I forgot what it was like to host a dinner! And all the kids were playing so well together and having so much fun.

My sweet mom made all the food, except for dessert, which was my department. I made an apple cobbler, but it was gobbled up so quickly I didnt even have a chance to snap a picture. 

I decorated my mantle and table using some garlands I had on hand, and the girls brought me almost all the pumpkins we have in the house for a centerpiece. We went with white, pink and shades or orange. It was a mix of half real pumpkins and half artificial ones. And I added some twinkly lights on the mantle and table for a cozy magical feel. The girls faces were all lit up with smiles. They loved it.

Hope you all had a wonderful thanksgiving! 

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